
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>, Func<Type7, ReturnType>) Method


Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.


public static IEnumerable<ReturnType> Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, ReturnType>(this IEnumerable<TUnion> values, Func<Type1, ReturnType> Function1, Func<Type2, ReturnType> Function2, Func<Type3, ReturnType> Function3, Func<Type4, ReturnType> Function4, Func<Type5, ReturnType> Function5, Func<Type6, ReturnType> Function6, Func<Type7, ReturnType> Function7) 
    where TUnion : DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>

Type Parameters

Name Description
TUnion TUnion
Type1 Type1
Type2 Type2
Type3 Type3
Type4 Type4
Type5 Type5
Type6 Type6
Type7 Type7
ReturnType the returntype for all functions


Name Type Description
values IEnumerable<TUnion> existing Discriminated unions
Function1 Func<Type1, ReturnType> Function to run for Type1
Function2 Func<Type2, ReturnType> Function to run for Type2
Function3 Func<Type3, ReturnType> Function to run for Type3
Function4 Func<Type4, ReturnType> Function to run for Type4
Function5 Func<Type5, ReturnType> Function to run for Type5
Function6 Func<Type6, ReturnType> Function to run for Type6
Function7 Func<Type7, ReturnType> Function to run for Type7

Return Value

Type Description