DiscriminatedUnionIEnumerableExtensions Class


Provides extension methods to the IEnumerable of DiscriminatedUnion.
Base Types
  • object
graph TD Base0["object"]-->Type Type["DiscriminatedUnionIEnumerableExtensions"] class Type type-node


public static class DiscriminatedUnionIEnumerableExtensions


Name Value Summary
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>, Func<Type7, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>, Func<Type7, ReturnType>, Func<Type8, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>, Func<Type7, ReturnType>, Func<Type8, ReturnType>, Func<Type9, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>, Action<Type7>, Action<Type8>, Action<Type9>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>, Action<Type7>, Action<Type8>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>, Action<Type7>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2, Type3>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<TUnion, Type1, Type2>(IEnumerable<TUnion>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>, Func<Type7, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>, Func<Type7, ReturnType>, Func<Type8, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9, ReturnType>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>>, Func<Type1, ReturnType>, Func<Type2, ReturnType>, Func<Type3, ReturnType>, Func<Type4, ReturnType>, Func<Type5, ReturnType>, Func<Type6, ReturnType>, Func<Type7, ReturnType>, Func<Type8, ReturnType>, Func<Type9, ReturnType>) IEnumerable<ReturnType>
Matches the specific types and uses the given functions to tranform into s ingle returntype.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>, Action<Type7>, Action<Type8>, Action<Type9>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>, Action<Type7>, Action<Type8>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>, Action<Type7>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>, Action<Type6>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>, Action<Type5>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>, Action<Type4>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2, Type3>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>, Action<Type3>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Match<Type1, Type2>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2>>, Action<Type1>, Action<Type2>) void
Matches the specific types and executes the given action for them.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9, Type10>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>>, IEnumerable<Type10>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9, Type10>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>>, IEnumerable<Type9>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>, IEnumerable<Type3>, IEnumerable<Type4>, IEnumerable<Type5>, IEnumerable<Type6>, IEnumerable<Type7>, IEnumerable<Type8>, IEnumerable<Type9>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>>, IEnumerable<Type8>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>, IEnumerable<Type3>, IEnumerable<Type4>, IEnumerable<Type5>, IEnumerable<Type6>, IEnumerable<Type7>, IEnumerable<Type8>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>>, IEnumerable<Type7>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>, IEnumerable<Type3>, IEnumerable<Type4>, IEnumerable<Type5>, IEnumerable<Type6>, IEnumerable<Type7>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>>, IEnumerable<Type6>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>, IEnumerable<Type3>, IEnumerable<Type4>, IEnumerable<Type5>, IEnumerable<Type6>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>>, IEnumerable<Type5>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>, IEnumerable<Type3>, IEnumerable<Type4>, IEnumerable<Type5>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3>>, IEnumerable<Type4>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>, IEnumerable<Type3>, IEnumerable<Type4>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2>>, IEnumerable<Type3>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3>>
Merges the item intos the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the items as a new option.
Merge<Type1, Type2, Type3>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>, IEnumerable<Type3>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
Merge<Type1, Type2>(IEnumerable<Type1>, IEnumerable<Type2>) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2>>
Merges to given collections into a discriminated union collection.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9, Type10>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>>, Type10) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9, Type10>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>>, Type9) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8, Type9>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>>, Type8) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7, Type8>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>>, Type7) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6, Type7>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>>, Type6) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5, Type6>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>>, Type5) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3>>, Type4) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.
MergeItem<Type1, Type2, Type3>(IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2>>, Type3) IEnumerable<DiscriminatedUnion<Type1, Type2, Type3>>
Merges the item into the existing discriminatedunions resulting in a new enumerable of discriminated unions with the type of the item as a new option.